Foreshadowing of Attack on Titan Vol.1

Ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later”
Why is the title “Attack on Titan”?
Q, Why is the title of this work “Shingeki no Kyojin” = “Attack on Titan”?
A, This topic is one of the most surprising and this title has four meanings.
The first meaning, “Shingeki no Kyojin (進撃の巨人)” means “Attack of Titan.”
At least it’s closer to the original meaning than the English title “Attack on Titan”.
In Japanese, “shingeki” means “a march,” or “to march to seize enemy positions”. It’s a nuance to attack in an organized way rather than each Titan solo attack.
“no” means “of”, and “Kyojin” means “Titan”.
Put another way, “Shingeki no Kyojin” means “Marching Titan.”
In other words, it means that Pure Titans without intelligence will attack in an organized way.
In the first volume, the 104th Training Corps members, including Thomas and Mina, were mercilessly eaten by those Titans, which made me feel so scary and creepy. What’s more, those Titans weren’t acting in an organized way, but on the contrary, it was eerie, and I felt Isayama’s sense of style in the title “Shingeki no Kyojin”.
The second meaning, “Shingeki no Kyojin” means “Attack on Titan.”
In volume 8, episode 34 “Soldiers Dance” (anime 1st ep.25), Erwin said, “We’ll track them all down, all the Titan within the walls” because Eren won Annie and as he became a working weapon, so they were able to have hope of beating the Titans.
At first, I thought the English title “Attack on Titan” was a little weird because it should be “Attack of Titan”. However, after reading Erwin’s remarks above, I understood. “I see, the title of this work had two meanings!”
The third meaning, “Shingeki no Kyojin” means “Attacking Titan.”
In volume 22, episode 88 “The Attack Titan” (anime 3rd p.2, ep.9), Eren Kruger said this when taking over his own titan to Grisha.
“There are names given to each of the Nine Titans. That includes the Titan you will inherit. No matter which era this Titan has found itself in, it has pushed ever forward, seeking out freedom. For the sake of freedom, it has fought. its name… “Shingeki no kyojin (進撃の巨人).” (Attacking Titan = Attack Titan)”
If you have read and watched this work in a language other than Japanese, how much would you understand this surprise?
Yes, actually, the name of this work was named after Eren’s Titan.
And finally, the fourth meaning, “Marching Titan”.
That’s it. Actually, we are back to the first meaning. However, the object is the other way around. The first meaning is that the Titans will attack humanity, but the fourth means Eren will take his Titans and massacre the continent’s people.
In volume 32, episode 130 “The Dawn of Humanity” (anime Final p.2, ep.12), Eren caused “The Rumbling” with countless Titans, like the picture below.
That arch-shaped Titan was named “Shubi no Kyojin (終尾の巨人)” by Isayama in July 2022. If I had to translate, that would mean “the last-tailed Titan” or “The final-tailed Titan.”

To you, 2,000 years
Q, What does the subtitle “To you, 2,000 years later” mean?
In vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).
A, This subtitle is paired with vol.30 ep.122 “From you 2,000 years ago” (anime Final p.2 ep.5).
In ep.122, Eren said, “Were you the one who led me here? You’ve been waiting this whole time. For 2,000 years… For someone”
In other words, “To you, 2,000 years later” would refer to Eren, and “From you 2,000 years ago” refers to Ymir Fritz.
However, Ymir was waiting not only for Eren, but also for Mikasa, but that consideration is complex and a long story, let me be explained it on another page.
The titan peeking out from the wall
Q, What is the titan peeking out from the wall?
In vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).
A, It’s Bertolt transformed into a Colossus Titan. He is a trainee of the 104th and a classmate of Eren in vol.10 ep.42 “Warrior” (anime 2nd ep.6)
Footprints of the Colossal Titan
Q, Why do the Colossus Titan footprints look like they only have one step?
In vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).
A, That Titan, didn’t come from far away, it just suddenly appeared on the spot. In other words, it is proof that humans have transformed in vol.24 ep.96 “The Door of Hope” (anime Final p.1 ep.3).

It says “13”, at the bottom of page 13
Q, Page number “-13-” is written on page 13, but there is no notation on the other pages in vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).
A, The “13” has to do with “the curse of Ymir.”
Eren had a memory of Krueger’s conversation with Grisha, and Kruger said, “Those who inherit the power of the Nine Titans perish in 13 years. That’s “the curse of Ymir.” 13 years is the equivalent of the time from when the founder Ymir awakened to power until she died” in volume 22, episode 88 “The Attack Titan” (anime 3rd p.2, ep.9).
There are others, and the mysterious year “845” is written on page 15 of volume 1, where 845 is a multiple of 13, the “104” in the 104th term is also a multiple of 13, and Erwin is also the 13th Commander.

What does Mikasa mean when she said, “Itterasshai, Eren”?
Q, First of all, “Itterasshai (Itte-rasshai いってらっしゃい)” is a farewell greeting that means “When you leave, I hope you come back home safely, or your trip is a good one” but, the phrase actually doesn’t make much sense, and can be translated into English as “See you,” “Bye,” “Have a good one,” “Take care.” and things like that.
When Eren was sleeping by “the tree” and dreaming, Mikasa in his dream said, “Itterasshai” in vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).

Then Eren woke up and thought, “Was this just a dream? But Mikasa’s hair in the dream was a little short. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her jacket before…” And, he looked at real her again. “Her hair is definitely longer now, and there’s something different about her vibe… Is the Mikasa I earlier saw the real Mikasa?” As a side note, Mikasa he saw when he woke up is 10 years old.

A, In Eren’s dream she is Mikasa, 19 years old, whom Eren will meet on “the Path” someday in vol.34 ep.138 “A Long Dream.” And, I think Mikasa’s meaning here, “Itterasshai, Eren,” is that Mikasa herself cut off Eren’s head and “Rest in peace, Eren.”
What made Mikasa make the decision to kill him? let me be explained it on another page.

Who is the man who said, “We’ve failed to achieve anything!”?
Q, The Survey Corps returned and hung their head after an investigation outside the walls. Then, a woman who is concerned that she was missing her son came to them and said, “Where is my son Moses?” So the leader man handed her only the arm of Moses and said, “We’ve failed to achieve anything!” in vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later” (anime 1st ep.1).
A, The leader’s identity was Keith Shadis, the 12th Commander of the Survey Corps. After this, Erwin took over him as Commander, and Keith became an instructor of the Training Corps.
Grisha said, “When I return I’ll show you the basement.”
Q, Why is Grisha’s face hidden when he says “When I return I’ll show you the basement that I’ve always kept a secret.”?
In vol.1 ep.1 “To you, 2,000 years later.” (anime 1st ep.1)

A, At that time, Grisha sees Grisha himself, sent by Eren, who is standing in front of him and looking at Grisha in vol.30 ep.121 ”Memories of the Future.” (anime Final p.2 ep.4)
Ep.2 “That Day”
Many Titans invaded the wall
Q, Why did so many Titans invade the wall after the Colossal Titan broke through the outer gate of the Shiganshina District?
In vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2)
A, That’s because the Female Titan had called them in advance in vol.24 ep.96 ”The Door of Hope” but this depiction is cut in the anime.

What is Hannes’ debt?
Q, Hannes said, “If I can save the life of my benefactor’s family, I can finally return the favor.” What debt does he owe Eren’s father Grisha?
In vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2).
A, Hannes once had Grisha save Hannes’ wife from an epidemic in vol.18 ep.71 ”Bystander” (anime 3rd p.1 ep.11).
The Smiling Titan who ate Carla
Q, What is the true identity of The “Smiling Titan” that ate Carla?
In vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2).
A, The one who ate Carla was Grisha’s ex-wife, Dina Fritz, who became a Titan in vol.22 ep.87 ”Borderline” (anime 3rd p.2 ep.8).
Why was Carla eaten by the Smiling Titan?
Q, Was it just a coincidence that Karla was eaten by the Smiling Titan?
In vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2).
A, After this, Eren gets the Founding Titan and punches the Smiling Titan’s hand in vol.12 ep.50 ”Scream” (anime 2nd ep.12). Since he used the power of the Founding Titan at that time, the power affected not only the present and the future, but also the past at the same time, and the Smiling Titan passed by Bertolt, whom it should have eaten, and went to Carla and ate her.
That consideration is complex and a long story, let me be explained it on another page.
Mikasa’s headaches 1st time
Q, Mikasa got a headache after Carla was eaten by the Smiling Titan, and Eren and Mikasa were saved by Hannes in vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2). When she said, “Ah, it’s happening again.” What caused her headache?
A, Headaches happen when Mikasa’s loved ones are in life-threatening situations. And it was the fact that the founder Ymir was looking into Mikasa’s head that was causing it.
That consideration is complex and a long story, let me be explained it on another page.
“I’ll kill them all!”
Q, Eren said, “I’ll kill them all! I’ll wipe every one of them… off the face of this earth!” in vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2).
A, Eren sacrificed himself and eliminated the power of the Titans from the world in vol.34 ep. Last 139 ”Toward the Tree on That Hill” (the anime hasn’t aired yet).
Origin of the name of the triple wall
Q, The triple walls are named, in order from the outside, Maria, Rose, and Sina in vol.1 ep.2 ”That Day” (anime 1st ep.2).
A, It was named after the daughters of the founder Ymir in vol.25 ep.100 ”Declaration of War” (anime Final p.1 ep.5).
Ep.3 “Night of the Disbanding Ceremony”
Annie said to Jean. “I don’t want people to think I’m the same as you.”
Q, Why did Annie say such this?
In vol.1 ep.3 ”Night of the Disbanding Ceremony” (this depiction is cut in the anime.)
A, The exact reason is unknown. However, That’s probably because Jean said, “There aren’t many opportunities for us to live deep inside the walls. Or will you guys remain here for the honor of being The Fortress of Human?” Then, Annie hears what he said and it seems she has a somewhat serious personality, and she may have been irritated by Jean’s selfish attitude. She showed like this tendency when she was talking with Marlowe about human nature and ethics.
Ep.4 “First Battle”
Why wasn’t the Survey Corps there?
Q, Why wasn’t the Survey Corps around there when the Wall Rose Outer Gate (the door to Trost Ward) was destroyed by the Colossal Titan that appeared for the second time?
In vol.1 ep.4 ”First Battle” (anime 1st ep.5)
A, Reiner, and the others checked the schedule of the Survey Corps in advance and attacked when they weren’t there. In vol.24 ep.97 ”From One Hand to Another” (this depiction is cut in the anime.)
What is the identity of the Titans in the first battle?
Q, What is the identity of the Titans who ate Eren and many other 104th class students in their first battle?
In vol.1 ep.4 ”First Battle” (anime 1st ep.5)
A, They were members of the Eldian Revivalists who were transformed into Titans in the port of Paradis Island. In vol.22 ep.87 ”Borderline” (anime 3rd p.2 ep.8).